Friday, December 31, 2010


I just have been busy with family, trips to the hospital to see my MIL who has been in since before the holidays and just getting caught up on things before we hit the New Year. My dear husband will be going back to work soon and I will come back to the swing of things here too.

I also want to follow up on 
--They still working on it since they wanted to make sure the participants followed the requirements--

I also want to wish you a very Happy, Prosperous and Blessed New Year 2011.

 and here is my most recent photo after achieving to gain some extra undesirable pounds, lol.

Love you all!

Wanna Dance...

Well, I finally managed to use my Shall We Dance Cartridge from the Cricut Circle. DH and I took ballroom dancing for several years, and although we're hardly ready for Dancing with the Stars, we do okay. I used the Medallion 2 feature and then resized the plain medallion and welded the shadow of the silhouette to it in Design Studio to create the red layer. The embossing behind is the Tim Holtz Music folder which has a smaller scale than the Cuttlebug one. The small music notes are a brad.

Actually this card has been rattling around in my brain for awhile. The sentiment has a story. (Don't they all? LOL) It's sort of a inside joke that now I will share with the whole blogging world. David had a particularly geeky college roommate who considered himself quite the ladies man. His pick up line at bars or parties was... "Wanna dance..."

FIRST? Trust me, no one would want to dance with this guy let alone... Anyway, this line always cracks us up, even after 35 years. Thought the subtle reference with the dance step ribbon added a particularly amusing touch but I might be the only one who gets it. (Except perhaps, Margie, whose mind is nearly always in the gutter. Luv ya girly! :D ) So, because I couldn't think of anything else, this one will have to do since today is David's birthday. At least I'll get a laugh. We'll be off to Cavallo Point (again!) to ring in the New Year. I love to think of the whole world celebrating with us so party hearty but safely tonight!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Crimbo Limbo!

Oh dear, I do so apologize! I've never left my blog for 5 whole days but this year Christmas just got away from me. I intended to spend this week experimenting with new goodies and having all the time in the world to craft until a bit of a pumbing fiasco left me stressed to the max with water coming out of the recessed lighting canisters, tools everywhere, my bathroom off the craft room out of commission and eventually a hole in the kitchen ceiling. Hope everyone's holiday was super and you're ready to ring in the New Year with joy, hope, and intense creativity.

I just had to sneak in one last challenge for one of my FAVE Stamp companies, Stampotique. The Stampotique Designer's Challenge is to use punches and die cuts and this week requires Stampotique stamps only. (No prob, I own a ton!) So how do you like my title? I have to say I've been tickled by the expression "Crimbo" many of the blogs from my friends across the pond. Of course I recognized it as "Christmas", but I wanted to investigate further and Googled the term. That's where I found "Crimbo Limbo". HA! The Urban Dictionary defines it as: The period after Christmas Day and before New Year's Eve mainly spent sitting down and eating lots of leftovers. Many find it extremely dull. There's also something about giving oneself alcohol poisoning, but I'm sure that doesn't apply to anyone here. (LOL)

So here are Winter and Weasel, out of the house, bored out of their mind, and ready to pelt the next unsuspecting passerby with snowballs. That always was a secret fear of mine when I saw idle youths out in the snow. Fortunately that doesn't happen where we live now in CA but memories still linger. (Shudder!)
The sentiments are computer generated, even the teeny one on the sign. I just stamped the image and messed with the sizing on the computer until it looked like it would fit. I printed it and used my light table to make sure, and then used removable tape to secure Weasel in place and ran it back through the computer. Voila! The large Snowflake is a Cuttlebug Die, the snowy hills with trees is an EK Success punch and the one with snowmen is a Martha Stewart.

So all that was left was a little inking, Stickles, pompoms and popping. This card makes me giggle. Hope you like it too. There's still time to enter this fabulous challenge. And the winner will receive a $30 gift certificate to Stampotique (be still my heart!). Random org, too, so I wonder what my lucky number will be. (Keeping fingers crossed)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pieces of 8 is a Melbourne's jewellers collective founded in Fitzroy by Melanie Katsalidis, and extends as a gallery and shop displaying the works of many talented Melbourne jewellers.

Now found in the city at Russell Place, the large golden entrance at the ground level of the Little Hero 2 building is hard to miss! Step inside and there's stunning pieces by emerging and established, by talented designers self-taught and graduates, respectfully.

Now showcasing 50 designers of jewellery and small objects using the utmost creativity and imaginative vision of unlimiting materials, some really great designers there.

During Champ's visit, Jeweller Natalia Milosz-Piekarska was in store, along with her beautiful pieces showcasing craftsmanship of bone, timber and silver and delicate beads!

What | Pieces of 8 Gallery and Store
Where | Little Hero 2 Building, Russell Place, Melbourne
Opening Hours | 10-6 most days

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Champ is once again super excited to visit Berlin for Bright Winter! Held in their new home at refurnished Stasi Headquarters, the first event for 2011 is looking set to be nothing less than fucking awesome.

Bright Mag is now up! Check out the other exhibitors, friends and family involved...
Champfest x Fixed Gear London will be making the trip over again from London, be sure to come say hi! There'll be free mag issues of Champ 003, and Fixed 004 - and a delish coffee to take with you! Kindly provided by the guys at Bicycle Coffee Co, SF.

Click on Bright mag below!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Charms and Amulets
I Have been doing a lot of charm necklaces and find it really fun.
I love seeking unique charms for fun and also for more symbolic and spiritual reasons. I have vintage charms and new, some are strictly relevant to modern culture while others hold a more ancient value. I will continually be adding new pieces, some will be one of a kind and others will be available on going.
I have always been interested and fascinated with symbolism I love the idea of something that holds a special meaning weather it is a personal meaning, cultural or holds some sort of spiritual relevance. Symbolism has been part of human culture since the beginning so whatever your reason may be for wearing a charm or amulet they have been an important part of the human existence. The idea of inspired expression or reverence makes me happy, making the little things in life special, that to me is one of the things that makes life beautiful!
Charms also called amulets or talismans are one of the oldest forms of adornment known, dating back to the Neolithic period. Then simple unique stones, shells, bones or wood could be strung on some twine and worn to ward off evil or protect from enemies.
The word talisman derives from the late Greek telesma which meant "religious rite" and hence "consecrated object". In ancient times the separation between your religious/spiritual beliefs, magic and every other part of your life was less clear so most amulets and charms held some kind of magical significance and believed to aid in many things such as finding love, aid in childbirth, enhance courage in battle, show your dedication to your spiritual beliefs or reverence to a god or goddess. Even today many of these are used in the same way. not simply just worn for fashion.
They continued to carry significant meanings throughout the ages and most cultures have variations of amulets,
Scarab amulets are one of my favorite and I have many necklaces available.
Jewish scholars would write passages from Jewish law on tiny slips of parchment and carefully insert the slips into a small, golden amulet that was worn around his neck. This of act reverence and piety was meant to keep the law close to the heart.
In more modern times when they became more of a fashion statement. but still represented status, charms that were made by skilled and renowned jewelers were highly sought after. They make popular gifts. They represent anything from a token of love, something to show your personality or accomplishment or just for fun.
During the reign of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt, is the first known charm wrist and neck bracelets. They were master goldsmiths and the first to have the ability to cast gold. They dangled amulets that would help Id status and protect and guide them on their journey in the after life. One example is scarab amulets. They were often placed over the heart of the mummified deceased. These "heart scarabs" were meant to be weighed against the feather of truth during the final judgment. The amulets were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead, which entreated the heart to, "do not stand as a witness against me."

This necklace has a wooden snake symbolizing rebirth, a claw for protection and a piece of turquoise known to absorb negative feelings and possess a strong healing vibration.

This fun 3D alligator with a small hematite embellishment is inspired by my dad. Frank 'Gator' Lux

My dad 'Gator' Lux

In Victorian times, it was common at the bridesmaid’s luncheon before a wedding to serve a cake that had tucked under its bottom layer a number of charms attached to ribbons. Each bridesmaid would choose a ribbon to pull and the charm she chose would reveal something about her life to come. You could get a rattle charm meaning a baby in the future, or a compass symbolizing a clear a bright future, or maybe a sand dollar that means future riches.

I carry many different Yummy charms that are cakes, cookies, creme puffs, fruit etc. They are adorable and fun, great for party gifts, birthday gifts, tokens of love. They come as small as 12 inches for children on up.

This rabbit charm is considered a Good Luck charm. It is 3 dimensional and is part of my children's collection but can be on a chain at any length.
Rabbits are a symbol of quick thinking and intuition, helps overcome fears and is VERY lucky in love!

This is a picture of a charm necklace from the 1980's, I had all of these charms!!!!!! This brings back so many memories!

If you know me as a designer you know that I also have to add my personal edgy touch to any style that I try, even charm necklaces can have a little edge!

This piece is made from a cowrie shell that friend brought back from a beach in Japan. I put sterling silver around the shell and added a sterling ring for some extra embellishment. I LLLLOOOOOOVVVVEEEE cowrie shells. They are a symbol of fertility, love and have been used on almost all continents for many different reasons including currency.
The other pieces are hand carved out of bone from Africa.

So I could go on and on, I probably have over 300 different charm designs if you want to see some more:

I will be adding more continuously!
Thanks!!!!!!! LUV LUX

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yarn Cocktails and Christmas gifts

Among my lovely Christmas goodies were two extra special pressies from two dear friends: This fabulous scarf knitted with the fair hands of Suzanne Griffith (she of the marvellous book: Stitching for Victory - available on Amazon)
AND, still on the theme of knitting, this fantastic book from Charlotte Williams - (a fellow textile designer and an extraordinary talent. Check out her show at New Designers in at the Design Centre in July.) The book, The Knitter'g Guide to Yarn Cocktails by Anastasia Blaes and Kelly Wilson, is right up my street - knitted knickers and Singapore Slings - (my favourite ever cocktail which added to my enjoyment of Singapore although sadly Raffles cocktail bar was closed for a refurb - I'll just have to go again!) - who could ask for anything more?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Just One More

Are you ready? I'm not, but you know some things just aren't gonna get done this year. Some things are just more important. (Who is this girl and what have you done with Donna? LOL) No really, I will breathe deep and let it go. One more card for my love. Couldn't pass up The Christmas Present, another of the images I won from Sassy Studio Designs. Don't think he'll be able to pass her up either. Colored with Copics with some Spica shimmer, DP is SEI Wintersong (some of my fave!) Chipboard tag is K&Co.
It took me awhile to figure out what was hair, what was ribbon, and what was skin on this image, especially since I started it at 3:30 am. LOL I cut her out using my Nesties Beaded Ovals and used Distress Ink in Tumbled Glass for highlights. I thought of quite a few sentiments, but I think the one I finally chose is the right one.
The mat is popped to give it some dimension and take a look at that gorgeous ribbon. I usually don't write on my cards as part of the design, but besides the fact I couldn't figure out how to use the computer to print on a dimensional tag, I think it's more personal in this case...VERY personal. : )
As you can see, the window goes through all of the layers. I'm surprised I managed to get it lined up. Truly a labor of love, especially this late in the game. Merry Christmas, Darling xx All I want for Christmas is you!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bet You Can't Guess Who This is For (HeeHee!)

Can you believe it? With all I've still got to do I made a card! Well, I just couldn't help it. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Besides, I'd certainly hate to disappoint a certain someone. I was so excited to have won the Sassy Christmas Challenge at One Stop Craft Challenges sponsored by Sassy Studio Designs. I won 4 (count 'em) FOUR fab images and they were just begging to be colored so here's Reindeer Games. She was perfect for the sentiment I'd had jingling in my head the past few days. She's colored with Copics (yeah, big surprise, another redhead, sure wish MY hair looked like that!) with some sparkle from Spica Pens that doesn't show in the pic. The layout is really simple using DP by Stampin' Up, a Chipboard sentiment from K&Co., a few adhesive beads, and some jingle bells. I doubt he'll mind. Likes to think of himself as "a simple man". Guess we balance each other out. :)

And inside? Now don't act all shocked. We all know what floats a guy's boat, or at least stiffens his sail. (Eiyiyi! she really IS naughty!) Oh oh, am I losing followers here? Hope not. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's gonna like this one. And how about this? The challenge this week at Dare to be Sassy Thursdays just so happens to be a CAS (clean and simple) holiday card so of course I'm entering it there. WooHoo!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Well, it's almost here and it's looking like the chance of me crafting is slim to none so I thought I'd share a few pix of the Santas I collect. This first one is by Stone Soup and he just cracks me up relaxing in this fruit basket.
Another Stone Soup. The real fur trim and moss colored velvet suit is so woodsy looking. Their faces are so distinctive. For me it's all about the face. He can have the greatest costume and embellies, but if the face isn't right it's just not for me.
This is the first one I got in 1998 designed exclusively for Neiman Marcus by Henderson Studio Ltd. DH didn't know what he was starting here. LOL
This guy, a Troutman Original came last year. Should have taken more pix because all of the winter sports gear on both sides of the bear's saddle is just amazing. Of course I don't get a new Santa every year but I sure do love them. Hope you do too. One pic is missing because he's not hung yet. It's Santa in a bi-plane but we've been preoccupied with hanging the new tv and fixing a plumbing leak AND the recirculating motor for our hot water heater. Wonder why I'm not done decorating? I'm getting closer though. If you want to see what I'm working on now click HERE. Almost done with the dining room. WooHoo!

Final Major Project Initial Ideas

The theme for my final major project is going to be based on Guerrilla Gardening with a fashion outcome. This is my workspace and some initial ideas. I expect that the theme will mutate as I develop my drawings an textile experiments, I am already thinking about the detritus of urban living, but it is a launch pad for my creative journey.

Amazing guerrilla gardening research images out there on the web, I particularly love this one: poster pocket planting. To find out more, check out:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Moleskine have surely created on of the most "notable" notebook collections of our generation.

With clever city-dedicated travel collections MoleskineCity, and their current film festival and director-inspired special editions which recognise the best of the best. A Film Journal and Story Notebook dedicated to Tribeca, Locarno and Venice film festivals, alongside Tim Burton, Spike Jonze and Mike Figgis.

My eye also caught their inclusion in Konstantin Grcic's "Black 2 (Black and Square)"

An exhibition currently on at Rome's Istituto Svizzero di Roma by the German industrial designer.

Who | Konstantin Grcic
What | Black 2 (Black and Square)

When | December 12 - February 12, 2011

Grcic is a multidisciplinary master! Industrial designer and artist to say the least!

"Black2 (Black and Square)- through a selection of fifty products that are more or less well-known (or at times popular even), Grcic combines non- homogeneous objects within a homogeneous formal and linguistic category."
....Concentrating on the triviality or importance behind the creation of each object, "the deliberated choice of a man in a precise production and social context, that is the contemporary era." I like this.

Perhaps something we should consider more often...... AC xo

Monday, December 20, 2010

BBTB2 Just Because Cards Gingerbread Challenge

It's the last challenge of the year for BBTB2 and our dear and wonderfully talented sister Julie, from across the pond, has chosen the gingerbread boy from Just Because Cards. Okay, I've been talking about emotions this time of year, and oops! here comes another one. Can anyone relate? I honestly planned this totally differently but you know about those best laid plans, especially this time of year. The card shape is also from JBC but for some reason I thought that folding it so there were two layers of the scallops showing when the card was closed would be a good idea.

The sentiment is self explanatory (and is a personal fave for when I'm asked to do yet ANOTHER thing INSTEAD of what I need to get done). It's cut from the checked mat using a font from Winter Woodland. Unfortunately when I was done and looked at it from a distance (like in the pic) the T looks more like an F. I planned on popping that mat, but that made it worse. I guess in a way you could call this a tent topped card with gingy hanging off the top of the card like that. Can't wait to find an envie for this one. LOL The rick rack trim and photo corners are EKSuccess punches, the DP is from the DCWV Homemade Christmas stack, buttons are Recollections and the tiny cookie cutters (I've been hoarding) are by Jesse James Beads from my LSS.(CUTE!!!!)

Didn't want to post this this morning until I got the inside done and it took me 2 1/2 hours to find the card in all this chaos. I even had DH looking for it. (Big mistake, caught lots of crap about my organizational skills, not to mention the sheer VOLUME of stuff I've got) The Merry Christmas is ribbon from M's. The tag is cut from TBBM with a computer generated sentiment. The epoxy stickers are Cloud 9. I actually think it's sort of funny and very reflective of my general mood at the moment (NO, I'M NOT DONE DECORATING AND I KNOW IT'S ONLY 5 DAYS AWAY!) But actually I'd love a bite (of a gingerbread cookie, they're my fave!) FaLaLa!
Now pop by BBTB2 to see the yummy contributions from my DT sisters and on behalf of all of us at BBTB2, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Hello my friends

I am taking vacations from the blogging land until the 27th.
 I will be browsing the web when I can, but not really posting on this blog.

I wish you the best. 
Enjoy the holidays along with your loved ones.

My Christmas Cards 2010
I realized I was pretty late with the cards so I had be fast making them. ;p
The poinsettia is from Winter Woodlands, the sentiment from G-Studio clear stamp, the ornament border from a set I have at home called "All Decked Out" and the red tapes are from Martha Stewart.

Love you all!
From Millan.Net

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blue Christmas

Don't ask. No, I'm no further along with ANYTHING I actually HAVE to do. DH wanted to go to Carmel yesterday so I ditched my decorating and DT card plans and off we went. Even with crap weather it's a magical town.

This card, however, has been in my mind for quite awhile, and oops, yes, it's another KennyK (can't help it, I LOVE them and I sure had good luck last time). This image is Devilish Donna (wonder why she's my FAVE, LOL) with a little Santa hat from Xmas Accessories. She's colored with Copics with some added shimmer from Spica pens with some Stickles on her hat for good measure. The card stock is some shimmery Bazzil with a glitter paper mat and the pine boughs and snowflakes are MS punches. With the added gems, pearls and yummy ribbon, I think this will definitely qualify for the Digital Tuesday Sparkling Christmas (plus digi) Challenge as well as the Copic Creations challenge which is also Sparkle, don't you? I'm also entering it in the Fussy and Fancy Friday Challenge Show Us Some Snow. (Tell me this challenge blog isn't right up my alley. LOL)

See her little tear? I've been listening to Christmas music and "Blue Christmas" really gets to me. In fact, nearly all Christmas songs make me tear up, not just the sad ones. What's up with that? Does anyone else get highly emotional during the holidays? So as you can imagine, this card is inspired by that song and fits in with the Sentimental Sundays Inspired by a Song Challenge.
Of course the sentiment should come as no surprise. Hope it's okay for the challenge that's it's on the inside. Just couldn't make it fit on the front. And I decorated it, no less. Quite the labor of love. I sure hope you all are with your loved ones this Christmas, but if anybody is missing anybody out there, this card's for you. xx