Saturday, December 4, 2010


Glad I am not the only one having days like yesterday, lol. It was awful...I was so edgy, grrr!

Anyway....we went to the play. It was short but cute. T wants to be a theater director and this was the first play she wrote and directed. It was about a senior being dumped on prom night via text messaging. Imagine that one!
Kuddos to T for her big accomplishment. Last night was her night and all the glamour that comes with it. I was so proud of her.

Anyway, I have been making this garland bit by bit since last week and, I finally finished it today.
 I want to share it with you. It is now part of my holiday decorations in my living room.
I might try to sell it on Etsy too. It came out so very pretty and I had a smooth ride with it.

you can make it as long as you want and the stockings any size you want to.
These ones are 5 inches high
 I used Simply Charmed for the stockings, image #35 on the overlay.

A view from the side and remember you can click on the photo for a larger view.

Here is a collage of every single one. 
They were embellished on the back too in case I wanted to use them on a doorway.
The holly leaves (image #10) are from Winter Woodland and so are the poinsettias (image#9).
The ribbons are from my stash and I used thick chipboard for the base, patterned papers are from 
Cloud Nine and the textures cardstock from American Crafts. The last stocking you see in the collage was stamped with a script rubber stamp on kraft cardstock. I then used my red glitter pen and went over all the berries on the patterned paper. The center of the poinsettias were made with a whole punch using DCWV glitter cardstock and so were the one berry on the holly leaves. You already noticed the inking.....I love inking. I mostly used the brown inks for it.
Have a good weekend and if you have time check out
12 tags of Christmas
I have to try the first one, even I am loving them all. He explains everything so well. I never went to his site much but today I subscribed to his feed because I do not want to miss his work ever again. 
I think we have a bit in common.
Just for the records:
I entered it at "cooking with cricut" challenge

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