Friday, December 3, 2010

Game On

Today is my BFF's son's 17th birthday and last night we were invited for a little "family" birthday dinner. Since I've been making cards, I've always done a "big deal" card for him but I honestly thought I wasn't up to it yesterday. I had some DT stuff to do and at lunch I told DH that maybe I wouldn't do one this time. After all, he's 17, right? Then I started to feel guilty.

I remembered I had seen a video control on SOME cart I'd purchased recently and since we were giving him a Turtle Beach headset dealie to use with his XBox, I thought maybe I could work something out. I finally found the cut on Wrap it Up. There is a card feature but I never really like the ones straight from the cartridge, so I welded two of the controls together to make the base (no shadow, how annoying!) For the first mat I welded the headset (also from WIU) and the sentiment using a font from Don Juan to the control and started building layers from there. I panicked a bit because I usually don't design AND cut in one day (too ADD, LOL) but I did manage a pretty okay card in the time I had.

I tried to sort of keep the colors true to life (mostly black) so I used some glossy and metallic black for at least a little interest. Wish I'd embossed a bit more, but hindsight is always 20/20 and I couldn't rip it apart without destoying it (believe me, I tried). I did emboss the ear cushions with the Cuttlebug Polka Dots and the sentiment with Herringbone at least. Not quite as many layers as I like, but it has a decent amount of dimension. and I jazzed it up a bit with adhesive beads (big suprise).
The inside sentiment is from Celebrations. The reaction the card received made my day! Besides a big hug and kiss, Alex said I made the best cards EVER and that it was just perfect for what he's into right now. Gotta love him!

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