Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yarn Cocktails and Christmas gifts

Among my lovely Christmas goodies were two extra special pressies from two dear friends: This fabulous scarf knitted with the fair hands of Suzanne Griffith (she of the marvellous book: Stitching for Victory - available on Amazon)
AND, still on the theme of knitting, this fantastic book from Charlotte Williams - (a fellow textile designer and an extraordinary talent. Check out her show at New Designers in at the Design Centre in July.) The book, The Knitter'g Guide to Yarn Cocktails by Anastasia Blaes and Kelly Wilson, is right up my street - knitted knickers and Singapore Slings - (my favourite ever cocktail which added to my enjoyment of Singapore although sadly Raffles cocktail bar was closed for a refurb - I'll just have to go again!) - who could ask for anything more?

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