Thursday, December 9, 2010


This is a nice week here at Flowerdisco's Scrap Hut.

Yesterday Crystal won a Scrabble Pendant due to and her amazing 

I won a Peachy Keen Face stamp set
from dear and so very talented friend Joanna from
Yay! I can't wait to get those, hehe

and today I am announcing the 

Stamp by Step
is also running a discount for the whole month of December that the winner will be ALSO entitled to

now onto the giveaway:

and...........this is a copy and paste for the requirements from Dec 1st:

1- Must be a FOLLOWER for this one
2- Must leave a comment today and tomorrow telling me which project is your favorite
3- Must leave me a way to contact you

This is why I had to cut off the ones who did not fulfilled the above, so sorry.

Congratulations to #8

who happens to be
2Ducky Designs

I will be contacting you and remember that
Stamp by Step 
is running a discount for the month of December that you are entitled to.
You can use your GF, the Discount and the Free Shipping BEFORE December 31st.
and you know the drill of contacting me within 3 days to claim your prize if not you loose it.

So, like I said in the beginning:
"This is a nice week here at Flowerdisco's Scrap Hut".
and I have one more very nice thing to share but I have to wait a bit to let you know.

Love you all!

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