Wednesday, December 15, 2010



It's me again...I am on a roll here friends.
Another Peachy Keen Stamps challenge. As you might know, most of these challenges are picked randomly so it is a matter of luck :) But, in the meantime, I keep making these "no-name gifts"...meaning they are ready for whoever comes to visit me ;p

This is the challenge: copied and pasted from here.
Using a lunch sack or a paper grocery bag, create a winter-inspired project. Some ideas can be a set of ornaments (staple two pieces of the lunch sack together), stamp the paper bag & use as wrapping paper, a holiday gift bag (paint both sides of the bag with gesso first if painting it), spray with archival mist to use as an element in a scrapbook page, crinkle and use distress ink to create an aged element, use the brown bag to wrap a frame or pail, or make a craft that a child could help you create (puppets)! The sky's the limit, and the more creative, the better!
  • Design must be new
  • Project must include Peachy Keen Faces
  • Link to Mr. Linky before December 16th

 Standard Size Lunch Bag
and in case you want to know where I got the idea...I got it from

 and, if you are interested in the steps to make this cutie, you are lucky because 
I felt like taking lots of pics today :P

 I do not know what I am making to put inside but for now I have the Xyron X in order to take the pics, lol
OK, see you later.
Stay put and play nice.
Love you all!

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