Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lynnie Pinnie

I've been so busy lately I haven't been updating my blog. BUT that was then and this is now!

I was given some vintage fabric and some vintage bias binding by a lovely lady recently and thought I just had to do it justice. My friend, artist, mentor and aficionado of all things vintage Karen Taylor has a vintage pinnie and kindly lent it to me so that I could magic up a pattern. Note, Juliana Sissons! I have put what you taught me to good effect. Here is the pinnie! The upside of a vintage wrap around pinney is that you don't get paint / flower / mud on your backside!
Karen recently exhibited at the Towner Art Gallery and Julie is currently artisit in residence at the V&A - check out her book on knitting in the Basics range - also available at the V&A

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