Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Crimbo Limbo!

Oh dear, I do so apologize! I've never left my blog for 5 whole days but this year Christmas just got away from me. I intended to spend this week experimenting with new goodies and having all the time in the world to craft until a bit of a pumbing fiasco left me stressed to the max with water coming out of the recessed lighting canisters, tools everywhere, my bathroom off the craft room out of commission and eventually a hole in the kitchen ceiling. Hope everyone's holiday was super and you're ready to ring in the New Year with joy, hope, and intense creativity.

I just had to sneak in one last challenge for one of my FAVE Stamp companies, Stampotique. The Stampotique Designer's Challenge is to use punches and die cuts and this week requires Stampotique stamps only. (No prob, I own a ton!) So how do you like my title? I have to say I've been tickled by the expression "Crimbo" many of the blogs from my friends across the pond. Of course I recognized it as "Christmas", but I wanted to investigate further and Googled the term. That's where I found "Crimbo Limbo". HA! The Urban Dictionary defines it as: The period after Christmas Day and before New Year's Eve mainly spent sitting down and eating lots of leftovers. Many find it extremely dull. There's also something about giving oneself alcohol poisoning, but I'm sure that doesn't apply to anyone here. (LOL)

So here are Winter and Weasel, out of the house, bored out of their mind, and ready to pelt the next unsuspecting passerby with snowballs. That always was a secret fear of mine when I saw idle youths out in the snow. Fortunately that doesn't happen where we live now in CA but memories still linger. (Shudder!)
The sentiments are computer generated, even the teeny one on the sign. I just stamped the image and messed with the sizing on the computer until it looked like it would fit. I printed it and used my light table to make sure, and then used removable tape to secure Weasel in place and ran it back through the computer. Voila! The large Snowflake is a Cuttlebug Die, the snowy hills with trees is an EK Success punch and the one with snowmen is a Martha Stewart.

So all that was left was a little inking, Stickles, pompoms and popping. This card makes me giggle. Hope you like it too. There's still time to enter this fabulous challenge. And the winner will receive a $30 gift certificate to Stampotique (be still my heart!). Random org, too, so I wonder what my lucky number will be. (Keeping fingers crossed)

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