Monday, December 6, 2010


Hello all!

I forgot yesterday to post the winner for the Jingle Bell Challenge. I did not expect too many entries and I did not get too many entries, lol.

For your enjoyment I will post the ones I got because they are just gorgeous...even more than mine and I thought mine was pretty, ha!

(TR doesn't have a blog any longer :(
I think TR should start a new one).
TR used another cut, but isn't it gorgeous too? Look at that paper/cs she used, wow!
 What are you thinking....Awwww's and Ahhhh's.


 What about this one?
Super pretty and she did not even have the cart.
This is what Minta told me:
"I didn't have any carts with jingle bells on them so I cut out a circle and a bow at 5" from Christmas Cheer. and made my little x on the bottom by drawing it..hopefully if looks like a jingle bell then I used some ribbon that I got at (Michaels) to make it a ornament".
Isn't wonderful....a handcut one! 
Kuddos to Minta!

and Crystal says the medallion it is handmade. We are going to need a tut for that one!
Just gorgeous!


Jen's was a discovery, haha. I was browsing blogs for a bit and I saw this one on hers and invited her to participate. Too cute to leave this cutie out of the challenge.

Now, this is the last 
I bought from 
and that randomly will pick an owner. 

Here is

Congrats to #4 who is...

Congrats Crystal...
I will leave a comment on your blog for you to send me your address and you will have to contact me within three days to claim your know the drill, ;p

Thank You to the FIVE of you who participated in this tiny challenge. It does warms my heart you guys thought enough of me to participate. 
Big Hug to all!

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