Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Hello my friends

The season is getting busier and busier and hardly anytime to craft. 
I had to make this project work for two blogs for lack of time. But, this is good in its own way.
Nilda from The Cuttlebug Spot and Sassy from She's a Sassy Lady will have to share the stage today...wink-wink

Because one of my RESOLUTIONS for the New Year is trying to be more FRUGAL...hehe  I am going to start re-purposing what ever I can just because.

The above frame I bought it 5-6 years ago at the Dollar Store. I bought a green one and a blue one. They measure 5 x 5, kind of a shadow box with a plastic flower inside, but like most things from the dollar store, the glue came apart on this one. I took them both down when my husband re-did the half bath in the fr. I never got rid of the frames because I really liked them and thought to fix it but never did :0 until yesterday morning when I had to make a project for Nildas Cutllebug Spot and Sheila's at Sassy Lady. ha! talk about last minute.... hehehe 

Happy 2011
it will be a gift with a name already :)
Did you realized that the first date next year will be
I did not use the glass part but the frame only.

The cardstock used for the whole project is DCWV embossed with the cuttlebug using a Tim Holtz embossing folder called Patchwork. I am loving these Holtz' folders. They are really neat and the embossing comes out perfect.

The "happy 2011" were cut using A Child Year's font
and the embellishments are from a K&Co chipboard set.

The alpha's are metal brads from J's brand. I purchased them what it seems years and years ago, lol. I cut off the prongs and adhered them with my glue gun. They spell the last name of the recipient.

This is the side view.

I hope you enjoy it!
It is so very cute.

I am not sure if Nilda has a sponsor for this week or not (we are not told all the details) but even if she just has the challenge, hop over and play along and enjoy the work of my colleagues. I bet they are awesome as always.

Please, do not forget the Blog Hop for The Lime Light
this Friday December 17. Please, try your best to hop along. I know there will be lots of prizes and myself is finally giving away the Cricut Cartridge I mention a few months ago. I guessed I was waiting for the right time and that time has come.

Love you all!
and keep sane during the holidays, lol.

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