Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Well, it's almost here and it's looking like the chance of me crafting is slim to none so I thought I'd share a few pix of the Santas I collect. This first one is by Stone Soup and he just cracks me up relaxing in this fruit basket.
Another Stone Soup. The real fur trim and moss colored velvet suit is so woodsy looking. Their faces are so distinctive. For me it's all about the face. He can have the greatest costume and embellies, but if the face isn't right it's just not for me.
This is the first one I got in 1998 designed exclusively for Neiman Marcus by Henderson Studio Ltd. DH didn't know what he was starting here. LOL
This guy, a Troutman Original came last year. Should have taken more pix because all of the winter sports gear on both sides of the bear's saddle is just amazing. Of course I don't get a new Santa every year but I sure do love them. Hope you do too. One pic is missing because he's not hung yet. It's Santa in a bi-plane but we've been preoccupied with hanging the new tv and fixing a plumbing leak AND the recirculating motor for our hot water heater. Wonder why I'm not done decorating? I'm getting closer though. If you want to see what I'm working on now click HERE. Almost done with the dining room. WooHoo!

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