Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Taryn Simon is probably one of the most influential photographers of our time. Her current exhibition is on in Melbourne! CCP | Centre for Contemporary Photography.

Who | Taryn Simon
What | An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar
When | 15 October - 12 December, 2010

Ending this Sunday, put aside a good hour or two for it. There's accompanying text to the most insightful images which will broaden your horizons and inspire knowledgeability on our world surrounding us...
I'm grateful for her inspiring interest and talent to execute is so well.
CCP sums it up perfectly >


Inspired by rumours of WMDs and secret sites in Iraq, Taryn Simon decided to address secret sites in her own country, photographing hidden places and things within America's borders. Ranging across the realms of science, government, medicine, entertainment, nature, security and religion, her subjects include glowing radioactive capsules, a braille edition ofPlayboy, a death-row prisoners' exercise yard, an inbred tiger, a teenage corpse rotting in a forensic research facility, and a Scientology screening room. An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar explores a dialectic of security and paranoia that is distinctly American. Offering a heart-of-darkness tour of Bush-period America, it also reflects on photography's role in revealing and concealing.

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