Saturday, July 10, 2010


I want to apologize for the lack of skills here and for having you gals all confused with this my first swap. I will learn from this one to better myself explaining things. 
I promise!

We are doing Option #3
 This is the option where each participant will be doing 
one card for each month
one card for
numbers 13, 14, 15 and 16.
-----if I am making one card for January: I chose New Year's Day for January.

-----Next, if I am making one card for February: I am choosing Valentine's Day for February.

-----if I am making one for the month of March I am doing St. Patrick's Day.

and so on and so on until we get to number 13, 14, 15 and 16.

For these numbers we will be doing:
 Number 13- Any Occasion Card
Number 14- Birthday Card
Number 15- Get well Card
Number 16- Sympathy Card

We should leave the inside blank and the sentiment should be on the front of the card.
What I mean by the sentiment on the front of the card is:
example; the happy Birthday or Happy Valentine's day or Happy Mother's Day 
should be on the front of the card.

Below is the copy n' paste
Card Swap Participants
 and important details
to follow. I am also adding my email address for you to  email me with any questions and please do not hesitate to ask becaue i assure you it is no bother. I will be glad to reply and try to explain it better.

My email address is:
flowerdiscosscraphut at gmail dot com.
(remember to change the "at" and "dot" and no spaces in between)

Hugs to all!

(We are finally getting some well deserved rain. Our grass was burned to the max with the heat wave we had.
I am also doing some "University Hopping" this coming week so if I am not replying soon know that I will as soon as I can. We are going out of state and it might take a bit to get back home).

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