Saturday, July 10, 2010


Many apologies for keep asking, editing, and changing things around.

I have one more participant and a possibility of another one for a total of 18.

We might have to make 17 or 18 cards.
These 1 or 2 extra cards will be your choice of occasion 
(whatever you want to make)
---after these 1 or 2 more card this swap is closed. I am waiting on somebody else who wanted to participate but due to my confusion :-) she couldn't understand me well and didn't join.---

On another note I wanted to make you aware that our dear fellow SWEET HARMONY is going through a lot right now. Her husband was in an accident and was not doing well. You can click on her link to find out more. I do not think she will be participating but I do not want to make any assumptions either. Until Sweet Harmony tells us she is not participating, she still in the swap.

Now, let's welcome our new participant.  
Her name is Abby from Scrapbookaholic.
Hi Abby, glad you made it!
I am also asking here for your emails. I want to make sure everyone gets the follow-ups. I will send the emails as blind copies. This way your email is not published to the other participants but if you want to contact somebody you can ask them.
email me at:
flowerdiscosscraphut at gmail dot com
(remember to change the "at" for the @ and the "dot" for the . and no spaces in between)

Thank you for being so understanding, I appreciate it.

AS OF 7/10/10 6:53 PM ET
  1. JESSICA W.-----
  3.  DAWN-----
  4. HELEN-----
  6. RHONDA EMERY-----
  7. JENNY KOZAR-----
  8. LYNN FOX-----
  9. AUDREY FRELX-----
  10. MELISSAWARD-----
  11. ADRIANA-----
  12. VAL-----
  13. JOEYGIRL86-----
  14. CHRISTINA83-----
  15. SHEENA-----
  17. ABBY-----

ON 7/10/10 6:45PM ET

making one card for each month's holiday/special occasion including
numbers 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 for a total of 17 cards too.
We will have a total of 7 weeks to finish. 
Cards are due by August 21st. 
I should have all cards by August 28th.
You should have 17 cards back by the second week of September.

I am asking to stamp your cards on the back with a handmade by and/or your blog's name. 
You can also use Microsoft to type your info then you can print it, cut it or punch it and adhere it to the back of your cards. This way who ever gets your card knows who made it. 
Thanks to Sheena for this suggestion.

Cards should have their own envelope. 

If I am missing any details, please let me know asap.
   Hugs to All and have Fun!!!!

ETA on 7/10/10 7:03PM ET
about number 13, 14, 15, 16  I think is better to stick to the following:
13- Any Occasion card
14- Birthday card
15- Get Well card
16- Sympathy card
number 17 will be your choice and if we get one more participant that one card will be your choice too.


Note: Sheena found another site with all the holidays.
The link is here if you want to check it out.

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