Friday, July 30, 2010


I wanted to try this house from the Sugar n Spice Lite cartridge. Well, I wasn't going to use a nice paper just for a prototype because normally my first try does not come out exactly nice. I look in my box for not so pretty cheap papers and I choose this orange/yellow paper. Well-Well! lol.
The house was welded and cut at 5 inches and then everything else was cut accordingly. The grass is the only cut from another cartridge: Paper Dolls for everyday.
I called this card my Guinea Pig because at first I was just experimenting.

My Guinea Pig Card
5 inches
What do you think?
I think all is in the details.
(You can click on the photos for a larger view)
 I kept adding some things here and there.
Lots of bling, some butterflies.
Some flower heads were also added and more bling. 
It is also very dimensional.

What do you think about it?
Sometimes we do not like how certain projects come out 
but if you keep adding subtle details, you really can transform it.

Thanks for stopping by!

If you want to enter for the giveaway please
You will have until Monday, August 2nd 10:00AM EST to enter.

Hugs to all!

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