Monday, January 24, 2011


today is Robyn's birthday and we, her designers, made some birthday cards for her and we are showing them on our blogs. i forgot to send mine out with everything going on, but she will "belated" get it, lol.
Happy Bird-day
6.50 x 7.25
the other day robyn made a tall card -click on "tall card" to see it--and it was my inspiration for this one.
this card base is from wild card--image #12 and using the hide contour to hide the oval window in the original.
i tried to use robyn's favorite colors (pink, green and brown) but missed on the brown ;p..i used a yellow ribbon instead to match the bird's beak and legs.

 the ribbon slide, image #44 using the decor tag feature, is from from gypsy wanderings---which i tend to forget about it and i just realized it has many basics shapes like george does too--.
the scalloped heart, image#18 is from the same gypsy wanderings, and the other two hearts from gypsy font.

the sentiment is from robyn's stamps, of course--- i wouldn't dare use any other for her birthday :) plus i really like her stamps a lot. you can find it on the tweetie hoo puns set (you can click on the pic or the name if you wish to see more of her stamps/products)

the cute bird---my favorite-- is from create a critter--image #42.

i used some bling robyn had send me with some stamps.

this is the inside---the sentiment is a group of  three "tweetie hoo puns" stamps

if you have time please stop by Robyn aka My Pink Stamper and wish her a happy birthday-- she is an awesome friend and human being and i wish her the best not just on her birthday but everyday.

happy bird-day to you my dear robyn!!!

and thank you my friends for all the support and love you give me...
love you all

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