Sunday, January 16, 2011


hello my friends

as you know i have been sick with "whatever" and i feel better on that "whatever" but not 100% better yet :(.
now i have terrible lower back pain that shoots down to both legs and i think i am getting my son's cold too. i can't win but, whatever right? put my big girl "smile" on and move forward, lol.
this tuesday i am going to see a rheumatologist for my chronic pain and see if she can help me a bit with some new medicines. i will keep you updated. i have bee suffering with this for over 15 years and i tell you it is not getting any better :( every day seems to get worse.

anyhow, since i belong to that awesome charity blog "The Lime Light", where we make crafts to help fund others with their needs, i want to show you what i have been working on.
some of these cards are non-cricut but we have to think "out of the cricut box" sometimes, right?;p  and since i have all these store bought embellishments that i am in love with, -big grin here-- and can't just leave them on their store shelves...i decided to use some of them for a good purpose and make some cards.
i made 12 cards for january and i will be making 12 bookmarks for february. i might make something else but i can commit for too many right now because i need to get "my situation" under control here.

here are my cards

you might recognize some of the cards background ;p
they are from a store bought set too. i do not know if the photos give them justice but i know they are really pretty in real life. all i did was add some touches with glitter, white gel pen, stamps from MPS, punches, and the mixed die cuts...see how pretty?

 i am also taking this post to mention "i am so honored" gisella from
asked me to participate in her blog hop to celebrate her blog-anniversary and of course i said yes. gisella is a very talented young woman and i sincerely  love her work. she also has many tutorials in her blog that i enjoy watching. soooo...this hop is from GISELLA and for gisella's 
 blog anniversary.


gisella has a great line-up for us and you and some prizes along the way. mark your calendars and join us in the celebration--!!

you guys take care and i will be back tomorrow tuesday with a cuttlebug spot challenge.

love you all--!!

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