Sunday, January 2, 2011

Macabre Monday Nightmarish New Year

We're BAAAck! time for a new Macabre Monday at Haunted Design House. It's a new year and we're exploring all of those well meant but PITA New Year's Resolutions. Mine's pretty self explanatory and uses one of the new Occasions Lil Grumpies Set from Smeared ink (so is the "bottoms up" sentiment). He's (she's?) colored with Copics and metallic gel pens and I've used Rain Dots for the champagne bubbles. "bottoms up" is also part of the Grumpies set which I crossed out with a pen.
The green foil mat is embossed with the Cuttlebug Tiny Bubbles folder (how fitting) and the label cross the bottom is from my new Dymo Caption Maker. Remember those things? They're back! The fabulous "Dreadful resolutions" sentiment is a freebie from Tiddly Inks. You can snag it on Christy's blog or in our Tiddly Inks PCP group HERE. So come on guys, get your creep on, check out the rest of the minions resolutions and play along with Macabre Mondays. And just in case you think I'm getting soft with a pink and green color scheme here, just think of the green as bile and the pink as petechial hemorrhage. (Have a nice day!)

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