Friday, January 14, 2011


hello to each one of dear followers, visitors and new friends.

my name is agnes aka flowerdisco, and this is my blog
you might have heard of me before and you might not.
 anyhow, welcome to my blog where i share my humble creations with you, and your comments feed my energy, soul and creativity..:)

i am blessed with a son (only child) who has made my husband and i more than proud with all he has achieved in his young life. now i have been accomplishing some things with my hobby and this is why you are here, right?

i am so very honored and thankful to be collaborating with my dear ROBYN aka my pink stamper--as i serve my second term as one of her "my pink stamper design team member", in this awesome year of 2011. i was in her first design team ever in 2010...this term will be for 6 months--six months full of fun and love and laughter,  great friendships among all of us design team members and robyn.
many surprises will be revealed by robyn in this year and hopefully many, many, many more in years to come.

I want to take this moment to CONGRATULATE her--my pink stamper aka robyn ;p,  for all her accomplishments, hard work and friendship--thanks robyn--i am filled with pride and honor as i serve this term with you.

IMPORTANT--- at the bottom of this post you will find the instructions for the sequence to follow and to get my KEYWORD for you to participate in this robyn's challenge. you MUST start at her site--
click --here--
to go to robyn's, 
because you must collect keywords along the way to know what the challenge is about to be able to participate.

well, enough of my blah-blah and onto my project for the hop ;p
Wild Cool Cat
the card base shape comes from just because cards (cricut cartridge), image #15.
i welded them using my gypsy and also copied the same image and made it into a smaller one for the greeting:
 "cool cat"  
which is another set of clear stamps from robyn called "more punnylicious" and again (shame on me), i split them in half---oops! i did it again, lol--to have it the way you see it on my card ;p......... i then embossed it with clear embossing powder and a "tip" here---to get a good embossing you must use a pigment ink pad (or embossing glue pad).
below you see the stamp set used on this card and...

if you click on the photo, it will take you to robyn's site/product section if you wish to purchase, and you also can see where the "cool cat" is, lol and how i used it instead, lol.

you can find the beautiful and awesome patterned paper i used, in my stash--hehe. i do not remember where i got it but i know i paid very little for a whole bunch of different ones. it is textured and thin but i did cut it with my expression at 3 speed and 3 blade, lol--absolutely adorable.
the wild word comes from the cutting up--cricut cartridge.

now, look how cute the inside is
the little cat is from... i do not remember either ,lol---i had it in my stash from etsy :(...... i embellished it a bit---cut some tiny triangles for the ears, a mini strip of cardstock for the collar, a punched out a mini flower from the same patterned paper and of course----bling. 
this cat might be a wild cat but is a cool cat indeed--hehe.

hope you like my card--i had a good time making it despite being sick at the really lifted me up :)

here is what you are looking for--------the blog hop sequence in case you get lost but remember you MUST start at Robyn's site----it is important you do that.

my keyword for you is 

have fun hopping along, collecting keywords and participating in the first 2011
  blog hop...yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i almost forgot i have a giveaway for you---a small surprise---don't you love surprises...i know i do.
you do not have to be a follower to participate but you must leave me a way to contact you in your comment.

love you all--!!!

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