Sunday, January 9, 2011


hola amigas y amigos

don't you hate when you are almost done with a project and then you mess it up. well, this is exactly what happened here. all was going smooth and i started to have pain and wanted to finish the card before it got too bad and voila--!!----- mess up time her i come------wa-hoo!!

messed up the sentiment ( i wanted to use clear embossing and got the white embossing, then i tried to fix it stamping again with black ink and i got the peppery look on it--not too bad in real life, lol)
then, i started outlining the front in black ink and messed up that one too but it doesn't look too bad. now, the big one is i got stickles on a finger and dragged it by the sun...and that is a big mess up--grrr!
i already had it mounted to the card and well...i spent a while making it and wanted to show it to you--so here it comes.
Plant seeds of Kindness
used birthday bash for the card base
7 x 4.25"

  see the small spot to the top left of the sun on the cloud??? that is where i messed it big time :(

the sentiment is from mps clear stamp set called everyday life
other than my mess up, i think it came out really nice.

thanks for the love!!

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