Saturday, January 8, 2011


i am one of them. Yay! I am so happy to be back working with robyn. she had a u-stream last night where she announced 20...yeap! you heard it right, lol. 20 designers for her team. if you did not get picked please-please, do not get discouraged. i believe she had almost 400 challenges to look througout  to choose the new designers and we all know that is hard work...decisions-decisions--not an easy decision :)

congrats to the ones that were chosen after such hard work and i can't wait to get to know some of you and work with you and be all pink again, lol.

love it--i am very excited about this. robyn was my first and i am so happy she decided to give me another chance. wa-hoo!!!
robyn is planning to have blog hops every friday...yeap! every friday--- where you have time to relax on a friday niogh and get inspired by 20 different designers--20 different styles and 20 lovely ladies...that is including me--hehe

with this said i have to add robyn has many surprises under her roof, lol (new recording studio) and we do not want to miss a new product she will be coming out with. i know i can't wait!!

now, i am not a narcisit-hehe but i want to look at my excited face below, wink-wink
being silly after getting to know the big news a week or so ago
(yes-yes...i knew...robyn emailed me prior to last night to ask me)

this below is robyn's announcement copied and pasted from her site

as per robyn's post..

Thank you to everyone who submitted projects for my Design Team Call this past week.  The decision was super hard but I finally got it figured out.  I was able to announce the new team last night on My Pink Stamper Live but if you missed it, here is the list below.  Don't forget that we are having our first monthly My Pink Designer Blog Hop beginning next Friday night and you will also be able to participate in it!!

Introducing My Pink Designers...

Carrie Anne Deloach

Courtney (Courts Crafts)

Sonia (Scraps 4 Fun)

Julie Ann Weise

Edna McGreevy

Lori Bordelon

Helen Bisesi

Agnes (Flowerdisco)

Tracy Wellman (Craft Junkie Too)

Angela Scieska

Head Designer - Maria McGuire

Kassidy Thomas

Cristi Burton

Wendy Lawrence

Shauna (crafteeshe)

Andrea (Divine Domestic)

Raechel (Raechel's Cards)

Michelle Lee

Pam Nisson

Shelley (Cricut Cuiteness)

Welcome to the team everyone!!!

Here are our Honorable Mentions. Please contact me for your free stamp set choice.

Roberta #11

Stephanie #32

Vicki #78

Madison #88

Samantha #96

Dorkus T.  #208

Barb O. #111

Kerri #145

i know you are happy for me and i thank you for the bottom of my heart
--good vibes only-- just kidding
see u later and 
love you all--!!

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