Thursday, September 16, 2010


I am trying to keep myself a bit better organized because I am getting senile here and having too many senior moments and forgetting things more than normal, lol.
A while ago, I received an altered note book from Julie, a friend from my days of being one of Robyn's designers, and I have been using it to write down about challenges and ideas and such and so :)

I had written a challenge to do from an online store. This challenged needed to be submitted  by
 Sept 15 midnight so I started yesterday after coming home from the gym and before I left with my son's for his senior pictures. Talking about last minute... almost, lol.

The challenge theme was Back to School and had to have the ABC's. Hehe!!!
You might wonder what in the world are ABC's other than alpha's. 
Well, it does includes letters and It goes like this:
A- alpha's
B-  button, brads and bling (I had to have the three of them) and 
C-  for chipboard, chipboard, chipboard

After putting my thinking cap and forcing my right side of the brain to work I came up with an
Altered Chipboard


I see now and then that non cricut projects can be and are 
  Don't you think my clipboard is to die for?

 NOW I want you to compare these two photos below:
 You will see something is missing. I already told you I am going senile and I totally forgot one of the B's....the one for BRAD, lmbo now, BUT
I was really mad at myself before. 
How in the world I forgot to add a brad if I had everything written down? 
You tell me! 
Well, it is time I explain what I did, what I used and what supplies were involved.
 I had two of this small but thick chipboard clipboards I bought at M's a while ago and they measure almost nine inches across and seven inches high. I only used one for this project, lol.

The clip was to the left and I wanted a different look so I took my crop-a-dile and made two holes where I wanted them to screw my clip down. 
The paper I used for the background was already blinged up and is from My Mind's Eye.
So there you found my bling :)
The alpha's you find them to the bottom right on a piece of altered and punched paper. The alpha's are from a very old stickers pack I bought long-long time ago from a company called Markings
The "September" word was stamped with G-Studio clear stamp and the paper punch is 
Binding Edge from EK.

Are you following yet? :)

I also added more chipboard...but where? Well, it has been covered with red textured cardstock from American Crafts, stamped with the numbers and embellished with the buttons...
it is the tag to the left, cute uh?.
I also stamped on that beautiful blue grid paper with an old stamp I got unmounted from Ebay like 3 years ago and never used before. The chrome square is the forgotten brad and I can't remember where I got them but I think maybe from Joann's.
The "Explore" word is another G Studio clear stamp and so are the numbers

 More extras are some eyelets holding the chipboard tag, the twine I inked to make it brownish, another chipboard sticker that reads "Field Junkie" and the polka dot ribbon. Oh! and the staple I used to bind the two blue notes. lol.

The rest you see on the paper is from the paper itself...gorgeous. 
and I love ink sooooo everything was inked for more definition.
So there...
you just saw my
Should I win?  
Will see!


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