Monday, September 27, 2010

BBTB2 Heritage Sewing Machine Challenge and Blog Hop

Welcome friends! Do you believe it's the end of the month already? I certainly can't, but here we are for another Blog Hop from BBTB2. This week our fabulous fearless leader Heather chose the sewing machine from the Heritage cart and you'll be amazed at the diversity of designs my fabulous DT sisters came up with. If you've come from the unbelievably creative Carole's blog, you're on the right track. If not, you might want to bop back there so you don't miss a thing.
I'm sorry if my design seems a bit redundant. I adore making shaped front cards and I've used more Cosmo Cricket papers so just consider it a companion piece to the apron card I did previously. Loads of carts on this one; George for the back, "Just Because" cards for the thanks, Locker Talk for the scissors, Forever Young for the dress form, Heritage for the sewing machine, Cindy Lou for "sew", and Opposites Attract for the much. Phew! The whole shebang was welded in DS and and all I added were a few buttons and beads. I'm rather fond of the way it turned out.
Another "fat" card. LOL The good news is you can use them at weights for toning up after you've read them and I'm keeping the post office in business for sure. Now scurry along, but not until you've left a comment for a chance to win a $30.00 gift certificate to Custom Crops. I will be announcing the winner next Saturday morning. Next stop is the amazing Theresa Kelly. Wow, wow, wow! Wait until you see this!

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