Sunday, September 5, 2010

Macabre Monday #55 Elegantly Evil

Okay, so we're back to some scarier stuff at Haunted Design House with a new challlenge, Elegantly Evil. Heaven forbid we lose some of our darker participants with all of the creepy cuteness (not that I don't love that too) that's been flooding the blog so I've chose to go DARK with this one. I don't know why elegant to me means a chandelier, but it does. I had already done probably the most Elegant Evil Halloween card EVER (in my mind) and I was THIS CLOSE to just using that but I thought better. Here I used a chandelier from French Manor (first time using that EXPENSIVE cart) to create a little scene.

A bit hard to read those word stickers from Making Memories, but let me help you here.

This pic is an actual scanned tintype of one of David's relatives. (Tell me he doesn't look like he'd be capable of this.) LOL The fab frame is from Happy Hauntings.

A working noose. (Good knot to know)

Cool chair, also from French Manor, with some fabulously elegant tassel trim I got as a thank you from Kellie Winnell when I was Guest Designer from the last Lil Lolitas release at Tickled Pink Stamps. (Eat your heart out, she doesn't ship this stuff internationally. Lucky Aussies!)

So I hope you're inspired to take a look at the rest of the Macabre Minions fabulous work and play along this week at Haunted Design House. And for those of you left standing and in search of a slightly less DARK rendition of the theme I decided to repost a shaped card I did for Custom Crops last year. Those of you with a Cricut Expression can download the free .cut file and read the full article HERE.

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