Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"PLAYING WITH SERENADE" by flowerdisco & friends


Round #3 of
is here, 

This is image #16 and I made a birthday card for all the blogs out there whose birthdays are on September too.
Happy B-day
  is a 3.5" by 9' wide
  They remind me of fern branches. The images have their layers but I decided not too use them after all. I cut them but they looked to bulky for what I had in mind. I inked them instead (what a surprise, uh?, lol.).
They are cut at 4.15 inches high and I just adhered the stems to that beautiful yellow paper from Cloud Nine. This way I added more of a realistic dimension in real life.
 You can see it better on this photo. 
The balloons are from a stamp set I have: Everything Happy. I stamped them onto the yellow patterned paper first and then on a scrap of purple, pink and green cardstock. I then cut them out and added just the top part to the stamped ones and popped just one with double the dose of mini Glue Dots. :)

That little bow is made with a leftover ribbon I used when I made the Card Holder for Robyn aka My Pink Stamper. The ribbon is from Target. And as you can see I need a bit more practice with them :)

Remember you can click on the photos for a bigger view.
The cake is from "From my Kitchen" and is cut at 2.75 inches high with all its layers.

The mini alpha stickers that make up the "happy b-day" phrase are from Making Memories as you might already know. I had them for a while and I finally got to use them again.

The cake was popped up with some American Crafts dots and some foam tape because I did not want to use all AC trying to save for another day, cheapo here!!!, lol. I rather call myself frugal ;-)

 Another view
(The green patterned paper for the branches is from K&Co, the cake was made with leftovers from the Halloween stack I used to make the milk carton and the shadow on the cake is American Crafts cardstock). A bit of stickles: Yellow, Cotton Candy, Lavender and Lime Green.

And FINALLY...the whole card here.
I hope you didn't get bored with me trying to explain everything :)
Now onto my friends projects.



Hopefully you enjoyed this part 3
and come back 

next Wednesday 
when we will be showcasing round 4.

Hugs to all!

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