Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"PLAYING WITH SERENADE" by flowerdisco & friends

Hello friends, followers and visitors.

I hope you all are doing well.

I want to take this moment to remind you all that this is a very busy time of the year for me and my family and I might be not be as productive in the blogging world as usual. :(

On the other side,

I am very happy to be doing the series with friends. We all have something to bring to the table with our different styles. If you missed our Serenade premiere last Wednesday, please click here to take a look.

For this week I have image #9...a butterfly on its side,
and this is
the huge card I made with it.

8 inches
Isn't pretty?
I wasn't too sure at first, but after adding this and that, I really-really like it.
My friend Helen from long live paper and scissors asked me if I had a plan when I did my clipboard. I am quoting her here:
""wow! i wish when i did my homework last minute, that it turned out this incredible!!! was the idea in your head already? i always love your colour palette, it is so energizing! it;s a winner in my books!!!""
 My answer to that is I hardly ever have a plan. I might see something on a magazine or blog and get inspired but it always ends up being totally mine and none from the inspiration. I just sit and and whatever comes to my mind I start with and keep playing with it, adding this and that and sometimes it just doesn't work. But, that  is life too...we don't get everything we want, lol.
Any how, I did not win the ABC challenge.
You can go to
 and see who won. It's ok. I know the clipboard came out awesome.

well, back to my
Giggle card
Did I say it is huge at
8 inches?
 here it is again
Besides the butterfly from Serenade, the rest of the cuts are from Accent Essentials.
The papers are from My Mind's Eye Bloom and Grow collection (the same paper collection I used for my Cookbook) and the red is from American Crafts cardstock.
I added some stickles, some faux stitching, some jewels and a piece of orange ribbon.

This is the inside of it.
The sentiments are from Hampton Art clear stamp set called Giggles.

(when I welded the card base using the Accent essentials image #31 I also used hide contour to hide one of the layers and I also used the mirror image feature to make the images weld proportionally. I also inked everything). 
Remember you can click on the images for a larger view.

Now, onto my friends projects.



Hopefully you enjoyed this part 2
and come back 
next Wednesday 
when we will be showcasing round 3.

Hugs to all!

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