Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Issue 003 is coming up!
Looking good, looking October....

Meanwhile, it has been a very busy past few weeks!
Please keep an eye on our updated site.

Crista Leonard, Leif Podhajsky, And Studio....

Libertine-Libertine has finally dropped in Australia!
Peter hit us up about their fantastic work last year, and they have humblingly grown ever since.

Pieces of classic sophistication with unique personality.

See the current collection at INCU Stores, Melbourne or Sydney. Particularly dig the magenta elbow cuts on the black sweaters. So good.

In Melbourne, get to Third Drawer Down! They've created a new exhibition space + currently on is CONFETTI SYSTEM from NY.
How lucky is Melbourne!
And Kiosk is on it's way!!!

Karen, Sammy, Ali + Luke visited from Melbourne for Ali's birthday! Happy Birthday Ali!
Meanwhile, Karen brought me over a surprise >>
Kodak Brownie six-20 C..... Ah can't wait to drop a film in!

OUT! So good.
Centre for Contemporary Photography also has a fucking great bookstore.
The lovely Champfest girl Christina Apostolidis is now Head of Front Desk at CCP. Congrats on the new role Chris!

Amy, the lovely Londoner from Cyclodelic partied one final evening before jetting back home!
CYCLODELIC will soon be readily available in Australia. Keep an eye out for good-looking female cyclists on the streets of Melbourne or Sydney in her great gear....

Don't believe that shit girl. ha!

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