Monday, September 27, 2010


Hello my friends
 The Card Swap is finally done, Phew!!! :p

I went this morning to the P.O. and mailed out all the packages. 
All packages were mailed Priority Mail and with Delivery Confirmation.


TO Adriana: 
Adriana,  I posted on your blog too that I need your address ASAP. The copy from Fedex is very faded and can't make your address and/or full name. As soon I get your address I will be sending your cards next day IF POSSIBLE.

Thanks again to all who participated in this swap. It was my very first experience being the hostess and it was a good one. Remember, to post the received cards on your blogs and name the person who made it.
As soon you all receive the cards please let me know so I can post all of your cards in my blog too.

I wanted to share my Fall-ing Leaves.
 I do not get many big leaves from my trees but from my neighbors,;(

and a pic of my son receiving one of the awards at the Youth of the Month ceremony with the president of the Exchange Club who were the ones who sponsored it.
So sorry about this blurry photo. 
Somebody who is not familiar with my camera took the the pic.
You can see grandma is with us.

Well, I better get moving here if I want to finish my laundry and the card for the series.
I don't think I will make it to the gym today ;(

Love you all!!!!

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