Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tuesday, September 21st already!
I have received some BLOG AWARDS and I have been accumulating them for a while now but time has come where I have to THANK the friends who were SO THOUGHTFUL & KIND to pass this awards to me.

I will start with the NEWEST AWARD until I get to the OLDER one.

Thanks to Carolyn aka doxieluv01
for thinking of me when it came the time to give awards from the new hottest blog: 
These are the rules:
Once you picked up your award, please post it on your blog and answer these two questions:

1. The best project I ever made was...
This might not be my best project but she is one good dog, :)

2. I like to craft because...
when I craft I put everything else in the back burner and it makes me feel good and creative.

--------"Then select 3 people to award the blog award to, posts their names and blog addresses and go leave a comment at the blogs for the award winner to pick up the star from their blog, who will then do the same thing".--------------
Ok, since this is my newest given award I decided to follow the rules.
My 3 picks and please, forgive me if I did not choose you today.
1- Sheena who is a darling to me and the queen of cards---http://lilflowerslynne1.blogspot.com/

2---Jessica who is doing the SERENADE series with us who is really giving us more and more everyday with her lovely cards---http://luvcraftingwithcricut.blogspot.com/
3- Jennie who is one of my newest followers and she is from Puerto Rico where I come from. I visited her blog not too long ago and she does very, very well with her adorable projects---http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com/
  my dear Helen from 
gave me this beautiful award
Thanks Helen for thinking of me. You always touch my heart with your words.

Another HUGE thanks to OhhhSnap from
who is doing the SERENADE series with me too. Snap is another darling friend of mine who has a lot to offer on her blog. I think she likes stamping a lot :)
She gave this award to me

next............. :)
Elizabeth...full of creativity and her blog full of very interesting tutorials too
Thanks dear Elizabeth...I love you too!
She gave me this one
Elizabeth thinks I am trendy.
Brigit from 
who makes awesome-awesome cards and projects.
Thanks dear Brigit for this recognition
Love you 2!

Next...........I told you I was saving them for a rainy day, lol
from my dear Sheila who gave me the pleasure to be one of her fabulous designers. You know Sheila because she is A Sassy Lady...:)
She was thinking of me when she herself received the Versatile Blogger award.
Thanks so much Sheila. 
Big Hug and I hope I am making you proud!!!
and last but not least Pam from
who also gave me the title of a Gyptian since I am one of her Bug Bytes Designers too.
Pam is a very smart person and she is the one I run to when I have Gypsy questions. She has been always there for me and you too.
Thanks Pam for this Versatile recognition too. 
You gave this award on July 17, 2010 and now is when I had the time to post yours too.

 My apologies to all of the above friends who were so kind to think of me when they received these awards themselves and I did not take time to present them until now.
I also want to Congratulate them too because they deserved them well.
But now,
I am very proud of presenting them all.

Thank You
Thank You
Thank You

Love you all!

(Know that I am around just busy with life and family).

and tomorrow is round 2 of the Serenade series.
Stop by and let me know what you think.

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