Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I will give you some Spanish lessons one of these days in exchange of more English this way, lol.

Anyhow, tonight we are going to an award dinner ceremony in my son's honor. He was nominated Youth of the Month by our School District. Yay! I am telling you, this kid of mine is special. He also got an invitation from Harvard that is really big too because they do not send those out to everybody. Your grades have to be up there for them to send you something. I do not think he will be going because that is a lot of $$$$$ but he is going to apply anyway, just to see.

The card swap is ready to go out this week if not Monday of the coming week.
I have to say it was a project and it did take a long time after I messed up my numerical system a few times. I wanted to be fair to all so I started giving you a number as I was receiving them and then I made a table format with my word document to start distributing them. Well, when I was getting to the end it wasn't working as well because of whatever reason I am not going into details, but I did make a copy of it I am sending it to you.
I believe all of you will get one card from each participant (if I didn't mess it up again) and some might get 2 or three from one participant. I have some extra cards from most of you and I will send those back to you too.
All I have to do is close the packages, write your addresses and take them to the P.O. but grandma is coming tomorrow to go to the ceremony with us and I do not know if I will have time to finish or not and then the weekend is here and then it is until Monday.
I am so very happy how this swap turned out and I learned a few things and if I learned them well the next swap will be more organized.

The good news are I made it to the Cuttlebug Spot DT.

I will be working with Nilda from the message board and owner of the blog and a few very talented ladies. I am very excited. It is little by little that I am crossing things out of my list of things to do before I die, haha.
We start on October and for me it will be for three months God willing. I will be very busy and if I am not around your blogs as I should/would like, please remember me and accept my sincere apologies.
I am addicted to your blogs so I will be around. Maybe not as much as I would like to... but yeah! I will be around.

Love to All of you and thanks for all the love and support you guys give me.

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