Monday, September 6, 2010

DAILY LIFE and Card Swap update

Hello dear friends and followers and bloggers!
I haven't disappear from the face of the earth, lol
I was sick with a new pain medicine and having withdrawals from the other. 
Anyhow, I want to update the Card Swap situation here.

One of the participants couldn't make it, you will know who when you receive your cards. I do not want to mention names here. I know you all understand if it was you. Any how,
I still waiting for 3 packages... they also know who they are :) 
Labor Day today was no mail day so I am expecting at least one tomorrow. Let's cross fingers, lol.
As soon as I get them all, I will get them ready and announce IT here when I will be shipping them.

I apologize for the INCONVENIENCE even is not my fault but we all know and understand how life gets in the way and how much we procrastinate and then something happens and we end up rushing around like a chicken with out a head, lmbo, trying to get that thing done. I know we all know and we all have been there one time or another.

These were my babies before Lulu.
They were long hair dachshunds. The dapple one is Mr. Sparkles the Boss and the red one is Hershey the Bear.
Sparkles is waiting for me under the rainbow and I hope wherever Hershey is, he is well taken care of.
It took me a year after Hershey to even think about getting another fur baby. Lulu has filled some of the emptiness they left in my heart but I will miss them forever; until then.
Just wanted to share.


The other day was trouble on Facebook. Apparently someone hacked/phished some accounts and I had some problems with people emailing me and asking what they did wrong and why I wanted them to stop being a friend and they were not even on my list.  :O 
I also got another one about a chain email to pass it to 12 more and so on, whatever. I really dislike those.
Anyhow, I found this joke on the internet about chain mails and I thought to share it with you. It's a bit long, just warned you!

Here is the copy and paste from 

I wanted to thank all my friends and family who have forwarded chain letters to me from 2002 - 2008 and still continuing it in 2009 - 2010
Because of your kindness:
* I stopped drinking Coca Cola after I found out that it’s good for removing toilet stains.

* I stopped going to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infected with AIDS.

* I smell like a wet dog since I stopped using deodorants because they cause cancer, now my friends wont sit beside me anymore.

* I don’t leave my car in the parking lot or any other place and sometimes I even have to walk about 7 blocks for fear that someone will drug me with a perfume sample and try to rob me.

* I also stopped answering the phone for fear that they may ask me to dial a stupid number and then I get a phone bill with calls to Uganda, Pakistan, Singapore and Tokyo.

* I also stopped drinking anything out of a can for fear that I will get sick from the rat faces and urine.

* When I go to parties, I don’t look at any girl, no matter how hot she is, for fear that she will take me to a hotel, drug me then take my kidneys and leave me taking a nap in a bathtub full of ice.

* I also donated all my savings to the Amy Bruce account. A sick girl that was about to die in the hospital about 7,000 times.. (Poor girl! she’s been 7 since 1993)

* Still open to help somebody from Nigeria who wants to use my account to transfer his uncle’s property of $ 100 million, So much trustworthy.

You gotta get a good laugh here. I remember a few of those being sent to me a few years back.
I think I lost 5 followers from this incident at Facebook :(

Hugs to ALL

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