Monday, June 7, 2010

BBTB2 Doodlecharms Sun cut and Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps

This week at BBTB2 we have a fabulous new sponsor, Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps and the Design Team was given a choice of a number of their adorable digi stamps to use in conjunction with the sun from Doodlecharms. I chose to use the sun as a frame for Milton Reading and did a shaped card. Isn't he cute? He's colored with Copics and I printed the image twice so I could cut the top petals of the flower and the leaf and add them for more dimension. The sentiment is done with tiny clear acrylic letters I got a J's and I added a few Primas for good measure.
Here you can see that the regular sun cut is popped and a little doodling is done for detail. You can also see how the petals and leaf are curled a bit. I really love how just that little extra step made the image pop.

I used the cut out from the front to mat the inside and added a happy sentiment because the weekend weather has been just GORGEOUS! I thought this would make a fun little thinking of you kind of card. Be sure to stop by BBTB2 to view the other fabulous creations from my DT sisters and keep checking back because there will be a new contest starting soon involving Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps. WooHoo!
I also found a new (to me) challenge blog, Stamp Something and this week it's a Digi challenge so WooHoo again! I'm sooo there.

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