Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hello everyone!

I want to take a moment here and acknowledge all my new friends/followers. I am so happy you guys are here and I hope I do not disappoint you with my work.
I am no pro but I do try my darn best to do a fine job here. So with that said, feel at home and know you have more than a blogger here... you can find a friend in me too.

Hugs and a BIG WELCOME to all.

Today we have the Gift Box, #49 in our series and you can find it on page #80 of the handbook.

My Gift Box
7 inches
(I believe this is a max size on a 12 by 12 mat)
 This is my take on it. I know other crafters use a clear sheet to cover the front and they put candies/cookies in it but because I like to make boxed card sets this is what I made.
I used the Tim Coffey designer paper from K&Company and for the solid paper I used My Minds Eye.
This squared box at 7 inches ends up to be a 4.5 by 4.5 inch box. I hand cut the flower on the front from the same designer paper and I was going to do more to it but time did not allow it. I will make a better flower when time permits and then I will edit this post.

This is another view of the box.

These are the cards I made and to be truthful I used the Gypsy to cut the same cut that the gift box has on the front and I couldn't decide where and what size I wanted it so I opted for this one and just leave it simple because the paper is so awesome. (It took me a while and lots of scrap paper trying to make my mind, lmbo) Oh! and this paper/cardstock is from The Rockstar stack from DCWV because I did not want to keep using the beautiful paper from K&Co (shame on me, lol) but this DCWV paper/cardstock is as beautiful as the K one and it did hurt to use it too :D

I made 6 cards (2 of each) with their handmade envelopes. 
The sentiments are stamped from different clear stamps from my stash.
The cards are 4.25 squared and the paper is 4 inch squared too. I inked all of it too.
I will give you the measurements for these envelopes. I used my Martha Stewart score board. 
---You need a 6-7/8 inches squared piece of paper (I used a printer/copy paper for these a bit thicker than the usual one).
---Align that piece of paper at the 6-1/2 inch score line on your score board and then score on the 4-1/4 inch marks on all sides. 
---Fold on the scored lines and have a handmade envelope for your 4.25 inch squared cards. You can lined them up if you want.

This is a view of the how it looks in the inside: cards and envelopes together.

I hope you enjoy this Gift Box from the Wild Card Cricut cartridge.

One more project from the series and I can't believe I will be done.
It is not easy to do the whole cart. 
It gets to you after a while :)


On another note I would love if you have the time and stop at 
Mrs. Donna Mundinger's 
 and take a look at the Shower card she made. Donna says I inspired her and that is a major honor to me because when you see Donna's work you are the one who will be inspired and amazed at her creativity. Please, do not be shy and go there and see it for yourself. You will be glad you did if you didn't already, that is :D
More hugs and love to all and 
Thanks for stopping by my friends.

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