Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hello my dear friends!

I was thinking I would make a game out of the set of cards my dear neighbor wanted me to make for her.
I really did not want to charge her a penny because she is a dear to me but she insisted and I was curious to know how much other people will pay for a set of 20 handmade cards with storage.

I wasn't going to use my cricut for them but ended up adjusting in the Gypsy the one inch bag from  Back To Basics instead a box for the cards, but... I forgot to take pics, Duh!...  but you know those bags are a darling.
  Anyway...I used some K&Co embellishments for the bags and I also ended up
using ten cards from the Wild Card series because I wasn't going to have time to make another ten in the time framed I had. I did not want to get sloppy. You know I suffer from chronic pain and I need to do things little by little and rushing was going to hit me hard. lol.

Well, enough of blah-blah-blah,
here is a collage of the ten I made.
I hope you like them too.
My neighbor loved them all.
 (click on it for a bigger view)

I have one Me and My Big Ideas Kit I bought at Ross as a small  prize for playing along.

It will belong to the first follower who guesses how much I got paid :P

(click on the collage for a bigger view)

Have fun! 


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