Monday, June 21, 2010

BBTB2 Rainbow Challenge

This week at BBTB2 our our sweet and fabulously crafty DT sister Joanna chose the Rainbow cut from Once Upon a Princess. (No surprise she used that cart because she has one of the cutest little princesses EVER!) I just couldn't get "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" out of my head so this sort of turned out with a Wizard of Oz theme. I started designing a card but I couldn't get all I wanted on it so it grew into a door hanger. I'm just in love with that cloud paper (oh no! I can't find the strip I cut off so I don't know who made it, so sorry!) Anyway, the door hanger itself is from My Community cut at 11 inches. I made a mat for it using Design Studio and George and the sun was done with my Pinking Circle Nestie and a little trimming. The rainbow and castle shadows from Once Upon A Princess and the house from DonJuan were welded to the base so there would be extra support for the layers.

I used a combination of glitter card stock from the DCWV mat stacks and card stock I glittered myself by running it through the Xyron right side down and using my Doodlebug sugar coating. (Such yummy colors!) My castle is green to represent the Emerald City.
The clouds on the background paper are a mixture of solid glitter, striped glitter, and dotty glitter. When I did the rainbow I used white glitter card stock which doesn't emboss well so to add texture I added dots to match with my stickles. I also colored a few tiny adhesive stars with my Copics and added them to the stars on the rainbow.

I had a hard time deciding what to use for the house and finally came upon this print in the DCWV Nana's Kids mat stack which was the right scale and had all of the colors I had already used. (I don't want to tell you how many rejects I cut. LOL) I kinda wanted to add ruby slippers (being a shoe fanatic and all) but it just didn't fit in with the color scheme. Then I went back and forth on how to do the sentiment. Was gonna use Alpha Beads but didn't have all of the letters in the right colors and I didn't like any of the "home" cuts I was finding and to be honest I was running out of time with DH wanting to go out for Father's Day and all. Thank heaven I remembered my Melissa Francis rub-ons. Love the whimsical font and it was just the perfect size.

Geez, I sure took alot of pix of this! Here are the dimensional views. To achieve the really 3D effect here I made sure that each element had a full shadow when it was in the foreground so that means the house had 4 shadows (counting the one welded to the card base), the rainbow 3, and the castle, 2. I really ended up loving this and it fits. We've become such homebodies since retirement and it's fine with me.

Be sure to check out the lovely creations by my BBTB2 DT sisters and we invite you to play along. If you haven't this particular rainbow you certainly can use one from one of the other carts. We love to see your take on the challenge and hope our designs inspire you.

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