Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lil Lolita Boutique 1st Challenge and Simon Says Stamp

OMG! another second post in one day but I wanted to make sure I made it for these challenges. The VERY FIRST Lil Lolita Boutique challenge is "Anything Goes". Should be easy, huh? But there are so many fabulous ways to color these adorable stamps, that I was overwhelmed, so I happened upon the Simon Says Stamp Recipe Challenge which was 1 image, 2 DPs and 3 embellies and decided to run with that. (I'm soo ADD, I needed a focus. LOL) The DP is Graphic 45 Domestic Goddess, using 2 sides of the same paper. I really planned on using the the cut outs the opposite way as it sort of had a "high tea" look to it but this way ended up looking more to scale. I cut a mega Scalloped Oval with my Nesties and popped it and added a regular Mega Oval flush with the card. Ivy is colored with my Copics, cut out and popped as well. The corner scrolls are a Sizzix die cut with my Cuttlebug. For my embellies I used ribbon, a charm and adhesive beads in the corners. I didn't count the Alpha Beads because I consider them to be the sentiment.
Here's the dimensional view. Not tons, but enough to make it interesting. I really love coloring this stamp and can't wait to get more of the Lil Lolitas. BTW, if you happened upon this post but haven' looked and commented on my Cuttlebug Spot layout below, please do. MY DH keeps asking if I've gotten lots of comments on it. (Isn't that cute?) WooHoo! Just found out I WON this Lil Loita Challenge!

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