Friday, June 11, 2010

Tiddly Inks Baby of Mine Challenge

Happy Friday everyone! I'm having a really rough time with my DT challenges for next week so I decided to take a break and do this week's Tiddly Inks Challenge instead. I LOVE doing baby cards and this sweet little image is called Sleep Tight. I love it because it can be colored for either a boy or a girl, but I've done mostly baby boy things lately so I was itching to do something PINK! I printed the image twice and colored with Copics. Then I fussy cut the stars and glittered and popped them for dimension. The baby blanket is paper pieced and popped as well. The background doily is a Hero Arts stamp and it's all sitting on a mat done with an MS punch around the page set (I'm finally getting the hang of thoses things) that has been run through the Cuttlebug with Swiss Dots. The DP is Me&My BIG Ideas.

Here's the dimensional view. I added Alpha Beads for the sentiment, tiny pink buttons and a pink gingham bow. I'm really loving the Tiddly Inks images and having a ball with thier challenges. You ought to go over and take a look. Edit: WooHoo! I made the top 3!

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