Saturday, June 19, 2010

Macabre Monday Truebie Challenge

I can't believe I missed last week's Macabre Monday Challenge at Haunted Design House so I was determined this week to play along with the Truebie Challenge this week. For those of you not in the know, True Blood is the HBO Vampire series and the new season is coming right up. I had a number of thoughts for this challenge including stamping, pix I found on the web, and even another Cricut card featuring a bottle and glass of Tru Blood, but finally decided upon making this shape card using Cricut Design Studio with the lips and blood drop from the Indy Art cartridge and the sentiment from Forever Young. Indy is one of my favorite Cricut cartridges and I so love the campy feel of these lips. I used a number of metalic card stocks here (so fitting since doesn't blood taste a bit metallic, heehee) including shiny, matte and holographic. The fangs were free handed out of white glitter card stock and colored with a permanent marker.
Here's the dimensional view. A bit of popping here and there and of course red adhesive gems to embellish the sentiment. D-LISH ! , don't you think? If you're a vampire lover, be sure to check out the great entries for this challenge HERE and come on and play along. A girl's just got to have a creepy fix every once in awhile.

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