Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jezebel's Card to Daddy

Jezebel was really bent out of shape this morning because Mommy spent too much time on challenges this week and not enough time (read NO time) making her a card to give Daddy. (Goliath didn't much care because he had a gift but Jezzie thinks she a gift enough but loves to remind Daddy how precious she is. LOL) I printed out this Purrfect Princess stamp from Pixie Dust Studio and colored her with my Copics. The paper is sort of a joke because Jezebel NEVER comes when she's called. The placement of the kitty and the sentiment came about by accident. I wanted the whole "Here Kitty Kitty" to show, but my room is such a mess that I couldn't find my repositionable tape to tape the mat to run through the printer so I grabbed some used stuff that was stuck to my table. It came unstuck and the "From Your Princess" was printed cockeyed at the bottom of the page. CRAP! I was in a hurry and didn't have any more paper so I decided it sort of looked like where a kid would write and I added the "To Daddy" to the top corner. Then stuck a bow on to fill up the empty space on the side. Not too bad.
Both Goliath and Jezebel are Pixie Bob cats, a breed that supposedly has some bobcat ancestry in their background from barn cats breeding naturally with them in the wild. Goliath is a big old sweetie, but Jezzie still has that wild flight instinct and although she comes around to wake us up every morning and purrs around our ankles, when we reach down to pet her she scoots away. She's definitely a Daddy's girl and cries at the door whenever Daddy leaves (even to go out to get the paper). Only occasionally however, does she come up and sit on Daddy's lap. (Forget Mommy, unless she has tuna fish. ) Lately she's been particularly skittish which upsets Daddy to no end, hence the inside sentiment. She found it very amusing.

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