Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Laying Out at The Spot

Well looky here for The Cuttlebug Spot. I said I had a rough week last week with DT projects and here's one of the reasons...the dreaded layout! YIKES! Just kidding, (sort of) but if you know me, you know I don't scrap. This is layout #3 for me (EVER) and the first that is actually REAL! Yup, that's right, a real layout with pix of my DH's backpacking trip in the Sierras. Isn't he a cutey? He got all shy when he found out this was going to be plastered all over blogland. His words were, "You're supposed to do a layout of me?" Well, no hon, but I'm kinda hard up for pix having no kids and all. LOL Actually, I LOVE the big pic of him and have it hanging in my craft room. It' s so HIM! Dig the glasses on his forehead. He's just the opposite of most of us and takes them off when he reads a map or does any close work so they're perched there ALOT!
Anyway, along with the challenge itself Nilda suggested we not limit ourselves to just embossing die cuts. Hmmm, okay. My interpretation of that was to tear a "trail" and emboss it with the Tiny Mosaics folder to help tie the small pix together. They were printed and cut out with my Nesties deckle rectangles (and fortunately I found my deckle scissors for the big one.) The cool sign is from the Graphically Speaking cartridge and embossed with the Tim Holtz Woodgrain folder (my new FAVE!!!!) Tell me that doesn't look real! Somewhere in the back of my mind I must have thought I'd scrap one of David's camping trips SOMEDAY because I had this paper from American Traditional Designs (who?) called Great Outdoors.
The Sun is a Nesties pinking circle embossed with the new Rays folder by Tim Holtz. I used a whole bunch of Distress Inks to help bring out the embossing but tried to keep it subtle (and MANLY) except for the page from the DCWV Green Stack with the swirly things on it that the whole shebang was mounted on but the colors worked so ... (and I don't think he noticed.)
UR here is also from Graphically Speaking, including the arrow. I can't imagine anyone scrapping with that cartridge. It's the COOLEST and has stuff for EVERYONE on it! The words are embossed with Tiny Bubbles and the arrow head with Swiss Dots. so there you go. Fairly simple but you really can get too fancy if you're scrappin' for guys, ya think? I may just frame this and let DH hang it in his music cave (or the garage). This isn't the start of any album or anything, but I think it's pretty cool (and secretly so did he). Be sure to stop by The Cuttlebug Spot to see what my DT sisters did with this challenge. Pretty darn fabulous for a bunch of mostly non scrappers, if you ask me! And for you guys who do, it should be a piec of cake to play along for the chance for a gift certificate to Custom Crops.

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