Friday, September 3, 2010


When there is a chance to watch UNKLE video clips at the Prince Charles heart skipped a beat. 
UNKLE On Screen was the end event to the 'Daydreaming with...James Lavelle' exhibition. PCC is no doubt the best cinema in London and does all film justice. They have a red curtain. Yes.

Favourites 'Rabbit In Your Headlights', 'Heaven' directed by Spike Jonze (yes there were tingles..ha),  and 'Saviors and Angels' were screened. 'The Answer' was a great surprise - both clips by John Hillcoat and Ross Cairns were equally amazing. 'Eye for an Eye' is brilliant too.
They're all mini films. My attention span loves it.
They storylines are all powerful, surprising and dark. I love it.

UNKLE also scored the feature film 'Odyssey in Rome' by Alex Grazioli and damn son that was good too... Abel Ferrara is a unique's always amazing to see a brilliant mind at work.

If you missed the event, hit up YouTube - and hit up Prince Charles for everything else. (The film We Are Strange up next..)

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