Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Plot 61A

I've been making a sign for the allotment plot - I seem to have come over all floral again! I am doing my best to be green and to recycle materials SOOOOOO I used a piece of hardboard found in a skip - the smooth side was worse than the rough side, so I have used the rough side for my artwork, which actually has quite a textile-like surface. I coated it with gesso and several coats of white acrylic paint back and front and then used my favourite spray paints and rose stencil to floralise it. Then I cut the number stencil and used black craft paint (which I hope is waterproof!) for the plot number. For the stake I found a piece of wood in the same skip, so
apart from the paints it is a recycled plot sign. And, of course, it teams nicely with my bunting!

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